- Sign up for text alerts on your cell phone from Newscenter Maine (WCSH 6). You can select all districts where we hold classes: MSAD 75, Brunswick, RSU 1 and Wiscasset https://www.newscentermaine.com/text-alerts
- If MSAD 75 closes schools due to weather ALL adult education classes are canceled at ALL SITES.
- If MSAD 75 announces a LATE START (one or two hours), our classes start at regularly scheduled times in the morning.
- If a STORM IS APPROACHING, we may cancel evening classes at 2 p.m. Visit merrymeeting.org, Channel 6,8,13 or call our office at 729-7323.
- We make every effort to add an additional class on to the end of the course to make-up for any class missed due to weather. Sometimes this may include moving the additional night to a new location.
Materials for enrichment classes are not usually included in the registration fee, unless noted. Materials fees are not refundable.
- ALL Registration confirmations and course communications are done via email. Please provide your email address when registering in order to stay up to date on last minute class changes or cancellations.
- Please check your SPAM/JUNK FOLDER if you did not receive an expected email.
- Please do not unsubscribe from emails you receive from CourseStorm. Doing so will blacklist you from all CourseStorm correspondences FOREVER. This includes emails you would receive from us regarding important class information and reminders. Unfortunately, once blacklisted, there is no way to change this status.
- Seniors: Age 60-plus: $10 off classes of more than two nights.
- Employees: 20% off classes up to $100; $20 off classes of $100 or more. Includes MSAD75, Brunswick (including Region 10 Technical High School), RSU1, and Wiscasset.
- Veteran’s receive a $10 discount on classes of more than two nights.
- NO DISCOUNT on one or two night classes, or where indicated.
- Any discount must be applied at the time of registration.
We recommend registering with a credit or debit card ONLINE or by calling the office. To secure a seat in a class, payment MUST be made at the time of registration. There is a $50 fee for each returned check.
Visit www.merrymeeting.coursestorm.org, or call 729-7323 or 443-8255 to register.
- Adults ages 17 and older can reach their education goals with the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET).
- Whether to pursue a career or attend college, a high school equivalency credential is an important gateway to higher education and career advancement.
- The HiSET provides a number of accommodations for test takers with disabilities and health-related needs.
- To learn more about the HiSET and see sample questions, follow this link or contact our Academic Counselor at 207-729-7323, ext. 1312
We will help you prepare for, be accepted by, and do well in college. You will meet with our Academic Counselor who will help you create the prefect plan.
Almost all adult education programs in Maine offer College Transitions, but each offers something unique. At Merrymeeting Adult Education, we offer:
- College prep courses in English and/or Math to help prepare students for passing the Accuplacer tests.
- An Academic Success Seminar where students learn the time management, organization, and study skills needed to be successful in college.
- Basic Computer Certifications so students can gain confidence in their technology skills
- College and career counseling to help you map out a path to your career goal.
To get started, call our Academic Counselor at 207-729-7323, ext. 1312.
Classes are usually held at the following locations. Class locations are most often found in the course catalog and with signs indicating room number and directions which are posted at the main entrance of each location, unless the location is a college or private business.
Merrymeeting Adult Education Center, Topsham Office
35 Republic Ave., Topsham
Merrymeeting Adult Education Center, Bath Office
34 Wing Farm Parkway, Bath
Mt. Ararat Middle School
66 Republic Ave., Topsham
Mt. Ararat High School
73 Eagle’s Way, Topsham
Brunswick High School
116 Maquoit Road, Brunswick
Morse High School
826 Shipbuilder Way, Bath
Wiscasset Middle High School
272 Gardiner Road, Wiscasset
Bath Regional Career & Technical Center
800 High St., Bath
Region Ten Technical High School
68 Church Road, Brunswick
UMA Brunswick Center
Orion Hall, Brunswick Landing
We are always open to suggestions for new courses. If you would like to propose and/or teach a class, we ask that you visit our New Info Teacher page to review important information about teaching for Merrymeeting and to download the course proposal form and return to rodriguezj@link75.org. Once we receive your proposal, an interview with an administrator will be scheduled if your course is one we might be interested in running.
To attend personal enrichment classes at Merrymeeting Adult Education, you must be at least 18 years old or must have prior approval from our office.
To attend academic courses for high school credit at Merrymeeting Adult Education, you must be at least 16 years old and have approval to attend the course from our Academic Counselor.
To obtain your high school equivalency diploma (aka HiSET), you must be at least 17 years old and withdrawn from high school.
To get started, call 729-7323, Ext. 1312, or 443-8255.
If you are on a waiting list for a course, you will be contacted if a space becomes available. Please do not go to the class unless you receive an email or phone call letting you know a spot opened up for you. Please call the office at 729-7323 or 443-8255, to register as soon as possible once a space is available for you.
All waiting lists are handled on a “first come – first served” basis. Each class is filled in the order people were placed on the waiting list.
- We reserve the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment or other circumstances. If we cancel a class, all fees are refunded.
- We do not process cash refunds. Processing refunds may take up to 14 working days. Checks are mailed to the student unless otherwise requested and will come from MSAD#75.
- A cancellation fee will be assessed by our registration system on all refunds requested after 9/1/24. The fee is a small percentage of the cost of the program and includes a non-refundable card processing fee.
- Materials and books purchased by the student or other personal expenses are not refundable.
- If you cannot start a course, NOTIFY US TWO business days prior to the first class and we will process a refund, minus card processing fees, or transfer you to another class.
- We DO NOT issue refunds for missed one or two night workshops.
- We DO NOT issue refunds on the day of the second class or, after the class ends.
The minimum age for participants in adult education enrichment courses is 18 years old. For High School Equivalency Testing (HiSET), you must be at least 17 years old.