Teaching at Merrymeeting
Welcome to the Merrymeeting Community Education page! This section is for those interested in teaching with Merrymeeting Community Education. We are excited to welcome you to this new catalog season! Please review the documents below before proposing a class or workshop. If you have any questions, please email the Community Education Administrator, Jose Rodriguez Jr, at rodriguezj@link75.org. Thank you!
The Instructor Handbook provides more detailed information about our process with enrichment education including: scheduling,, class formats, cancellations, etc.
This online employment application is required before you propose a class or workshop.
As a Merrymeeting enrichment instructor, you are considered a contractor for the purposes of pay. As such, you will need to complete and return to us a W9 Tax form before your first class starts.
We have put together this “onboarding” video for our new & veteran teachers. Click on the button to the right to view the video on our YouTube channel. Enjoy!
Lastly, when you are ready to propose a class and/or workshop, click on the button to the right to download the course proposal format info sheet. Your proposal will need to be emailed or mailed. >>